A Week in a Witch’s Life

Una semana en la vida de una bruja

Mariana Valverde Vargas

Escuela de Lenguas Modernas

Universidad de Costa Rica

Day 1: Inkmortal

I am a witch, an ancient healer

but today, a powerless creature

subjected to irrefutable laws of nature and physics.

Many moons ago, I healed my soul,

by means of fur and four paws:

a story, indeed, of sacred love.

Your head on my lap, bed of my cry,

and still, comfort I must find

in my power of locking you on time.

Day 2: A Peculiar Art

The art of witchcraft

has become a commercial deceit

a shallow Halloween treat,

sprinkled with bitter sensuality

The ancient art of witchcraft

summons magical dragonflies

to guide my every step

even through the cloudiest day.

Mastering this art requires:

Silver hair, wisdom at display

A burned soul forged in the fire of pain

A soundless song from life itself.

Magic potions I prepare

in full moon, for me and my friends

to mend broken hearts,

but never to please any man.

Day 3: To My Favorite Witch

Witches find witches

to suture their wounds with golden stitches

to dance ancient songs and share secrets

to taste potions of bittersweet loyalty.

Even when one witch, from time to time,

follows the moon and dates herself,

she never forgets her sisters from
the moon

who remain, not too far dancing in the pouring rain.

Day 4: A Witch in Love

One day, I found myself

surrounded by a strange spell

lines simple but true

your words made their way through.

Many moons passed by,

I woke up in your arms,

remembering the endless dance

we didn't want to take back.

One moonless night,

darkness reclaimed my soul,

but the sound of your voice,

reminded me of my life's worth.

Our full moon shares

passion, love and care

Your hand in my hand

makes me feel more than blessed.

Day 5: A Witch Counting Blessings

One, two, three, four, five

spheres of life

to bring happiness alive

One, my grandma's mirror

shouts the truth at my face

no room to run away

Two, my necklace's warmth pressed to my heart

my parents' longing for a female child,

a reminder of the great gift I was.

Three, my engagement ring:

three stones hold it together

family bound, unbreakable and eternal

Four, his paw

carved in my skin and in my soul

a friend I could never let go.

Five, my stretch marks,

home for a perfect gift,

a happy child, indeed.

Day 6: Awakening

Stay Awake, awake, awake,

you must leave right away,

a fading murmur in my head

reminds me that you are in my way.

A mighty witch, I saw on my mirror,

a mighty witch who has been fooled,

by people and mirrors once and
once more.

Stay awake, awake, awake

see the ghost ahead of you

kiss it goodbye without remorse

for far from it you had been gone.

A wise witch learns to study her mirror,

draws its carving even in the darkness,

her fingers gently touching every
new wrinkle.

A wise witch, when time comes,

puts on her cloak and walks to the sun

to purify her soul through sacred fire

and finally get the peace and love
she requires.

Day 7: To Those Who Witches Are Not

One day I walked to the edge of
the world

To find you or me, who knows?

I traveled through time, leaving science behind.

The thing is I found everyone there,

relatives, and friends full of absurdity, you can tell.

By this point, witchcraft and science

had been erased from the surface of
the Earth.

Nothing was left but stupidity and nothingness

Who wants to be here? I cried

Maybe you, the voice inside replied.