Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

Nuevos movimientos religiosos en Coacoatzintla, Veracruz: conversión e identidad
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Barrera Lara, I. (2013). Nuevos movimientos religiosos en Coacoatzintla, Veracruz: conversión e identidad. Cuadernos De Antropología, 13. Retrieved from


The advance of Protestantism within indigenous groups such as the rural and urban sectors, not only in Coacoatzintla, Veracruz, rural town, but in states like Chiapas and Oaxaca, from the years of 1970, we face a situation considered unprecedented in traditionally Catholic societies. An interesting thesis on this progressive religious change is raised by Jean Pierre Bastian (1997), who points out how in Latin America is giving a religious mutation process, and argues that the search for a shift toward modernization in these societies is given from the religious path. At the start of this millennium, we face different realities where a religious manifestations are no exception, and performing rituals to pray for rain, as the festivities and mayordomías and mythical sense, support the presence of unearthly powers in the contemporary rural indigenous thought and make the place the ancestors and history dealing in the continuity of these practices.
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