Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

Regulation, representation and experience of the female athletic body: Three ways of seeing the women on the ring
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How to Cite

Delgado, C. (2014). Regulation, representation and experience of the female athletic body: Three ways of seeing the women on the ring. Cuadernos De Antropología, 24(2), 49–72.


The aim of this article is to summarize the literature on the sporting body in the field of Anthropology, with special regard on the incursion of women in the traditionally “masculine” combat sports such as boxing. The text is organized according to the different approaches to body and sports culture used by social scientists. The first two sections of our review of literature shall tackle this subject from an exterior perspective by exposing the various mechanisms regulating bodies in sports and by showing in which forms the sporting body is represented and depicted within a capitalist society. For the third part of this article, I shall adopt an internal perspective focusing on the lived experience as a learning process for the body and as an appropriate method for researching the sporting body
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