Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

Tradiciones alimentarias: bienestar de las personas y del ambiente
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tradición alimentaria
seguridad alimentaria
biodiversidad cultivada
food traditions
food security
cultivated biodiversity

How to Cite

Montoya Greenheck, F. (2012). Tradiciones alimentarias: bienestar de las personas y del ambiente. Cuadernos De Antropología, 20. Retrieved from


Food traditions form part of humanity’s patrimony. They have contributed to the identities of people, to their food security and to an intimate relationship with the natural environment. The loss of these food traditions threaten with eroding human well-being. This article explores the principal causes of these losses and proposals for their conservation.
PDF (Español (España))


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