Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

Estimación de la mezcla genética en la población de Nicaragua
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población humana
marcadores ADN
human population
DNA markers

How to Cite

Morera, B. (2015). Estimación de la mezcla genética en la población de Nicaragua. Cuadernos De Antropología, 16, 39–46. Retrieved from


The population of Nicaragua has been traditional and historically considered to be the product of admisture. To determine the magnitude of accumulated admixture, there were analyzed 100 Nicaraguans originating from different localities of the country. A total of 6 PCR-derived loci were evaluated. Admixture component were estimated by the gene identity method, with an unweighted approach. The proportions of genes of European, Amerindian and African ancestry were found to be 46,88%, 36,83% and 16,29%, respectively. It has been conclude that the Nicaraguan population is unquestionably trihybrid, similar to other Hispanic-admixed population like Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and the US Hispanics; however, it differs from them by the porportion of gene flow from ancestral populations.
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