Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

The quest for the Niluyarilo flower. Anthropological implications
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Región cultural chiapaneca
paisaje ritual
solsticio de invierno
ecología cultural
Chiapaneca cultural area
ritual landscape
winter solstice
cultural ecology

How to Cite

Palacios, Y. (2017). The quest for the Niluyarilo flower. Anthropological implications. Cuadernos De Antropología, 27(1).


The following article aims to show the anthropological implications around the Niluyarilo Flower as a central symbol of the Floreros ritual which takes place in Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, México. The mixture between ethnic and environmental diversity resulted in an important cultural wealth, which has managed to remain, primarily, due to religiosity relationships between regions. This text was derived from a more extensive investigation that studied the ritual landscape and memorial through a ritual journey from a qualitative methodology that consisted in the participation in situ during years 2010 to 2014; in the application of interviews of depth and in constant dialogue for the recovery of the experience of those who participate in it; and finally, in the realization of a complete ethnography of the ritual. As a result, we gather everything related to flower elements and possible anthropological, biological, healing and symbolic-spatial relationships. It is concluded that a flower crosses not only different territories but different visions of the world, in a specific time like the winter solstice. It is the mark of a longstanding cultural ecology, preserved through the ritual, which brings together a group of people and gives sense of community.
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