Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

Jade production and interchange in the Maya Lowlands
Figurilla, en jade, encontrada en Cacuén
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Classic Period
Technological analisis
Análisis tecnológico
Periodo Clásico

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Andrieu, C. (2018). Jade production and interchange in the Maya Lowlands. Cuadernos De Antropología, 29(1).


The value and social significance of jade in Mesoamerica as well as its central place in the ritual and politics of the Classic period has been the object of a broad range of studies. In this paper I present the technological reanalysis of the Cancuen jade workshop, showing that the craftspeople from this Late Classic site did not produce finish objects, but rather that they only focused on the production of raw preforms. My study shows that these preforms were not ready to be polished and that the production debris corresponding to later stages of production are also lacking in the rest of the site. The quantitative comparison between the material from the workshop and that from the rest of the site enables me to show that Cancuen exported such preforms towards other sites. Such data corresponds to the type of production debris found in certain consuming sites in the Maya Lowlands, and enables me to suggest a model where production sites such as Cancuen probably exported shaped preforms to consumer sites, which then worked them the way they wanted according to their own lapidary tradition. Interestingly, This system is fairly similar to the one that was in use in the Mexica empire during the Post-Classic period.
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