Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

Dental diseases and their relationship with the paleodiet of a group of inhabitants of the chieftain center of Agua Caliente, Cartago, Costa Rica (900-1550 AD)
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piezas dentales
restos óseos humanos
perfil dietético
human skeletal remains
dietary profile

How to Cite

Salazar-Camacho, M. (2024). Dental diseases and their relationship with the paleodiet of a group of inhabitants of the chieftain center of Agua Caliente, Cartago, Costa Rica (900-1550 AD). Cuadernos De Antropología, 34(1), 1–21.


Dental diseases are frequently reported in ancient human remains and their study provide information on paleodiet. This study evaluated the relationship between dental diseases and the dietary profile of a group of individuals of low social status who inhabited the Agua Caliente archaeological site, Costa Rica, between the years 900-1550 AD. The remains of 24 individuals were analyzed: 5 subadults (indeterminate sex) and 19 adults (4 females, 5 males and 10 of indeterminate sex). The dentition was macroscopically examined to identify five diseases: caries, dental calculus, periodontal disease, periapical lesions, and antemortem loss of teeth. Caries and dental calculus were the most common pathologies observed in the sample. It is possible that these two pathologies caused the formation of the other identified diseases. These results indicated that carbohydrates and proteins were part of the paleodiet of these individuals, as well as other foods. These dietary sources were consistent with the archaeological record, since they were evidenced in the paleobotanical and faunal remains, the subsistence strategies and the technology used to obtain and process these foods. The findings from this study offer a first approximation to the association between dental diseases and paleodiet of the inhabitants of Agua Caliente. However, further research is required, applying complementary methods (isotope analysis and dental calculus) and analyzing larger human osteological collections.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Milena Salazar-Camacho


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