Cuadernos de Antropología ISSN Impreso: 1409-3138 ISSN electrónico: 2215-356X

Propuesta de acercamiento al estudio de políticas indígenas y el desarrollo: el caso Térraba/Proyecto Hidroeléctrico el Diquís
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antropología y desarrollo
proyecto hidroeléctrico el diquís
pluralismo legal
políticas indígenas
anthropology and development
hidrological project el diquís
legal pluralism
indigenous politics

How to Cite

Campregher, C. (2013). Propuesta de acercamiento al estudio de políticas indígenas y el desarrollo: el caso Térraba/Proyecto Hidroeléctrico el Diquís. Cuadernos De Antropología, 19. Retrieved from


In an interactionist perspective this work analyzes the multiple relations among different groups and factions of the indigenous community of Té- rraba and a hydrological project. Cooperation and conflicts of indigenous groups and project planers reflect interests of indigenous and non-indigenous people, the competitive situation around development projects, the policy of the state and non-governmental organizations, as well as the multiple legal norms that guide social action in this context. Law regarding indigenous people and its contradictions between national and international documents, as well as between norms and their implementation represent a complex situation characterized by legal pluralism. For the analysis of this case I propose an interactionist perspective which regards social actors as competing for resources and various forms of capital (Pierre Bourdieu). In these interactions law can be seen as a key element that not only structures relations but is appropriated and manipulated by actors to justify their interests. The analysis of this specific case contributes to the understanding of indigenous politics in relation to processes of development.


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