Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Didactic Experience During the Students' Guiding in the Process of Their Final Graduation Projects
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Higher Education
Teaching Role
Research Work
Enseñanza superior
Papel docente
Trabajo de investigación

How to Cite

Davis Sánchez, L. A. ., & Fallas Rodríguez, D. E. . (2023). Didactic Experience During the Students’ Guiding in the Process of Their Final Graduation Projects . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(2), 1–24.


As the main objective, the researchers intended to show the teaching experience during the didactic guiding of students in the process of developing their final graduation projects for a bachelor's degree from the University of Costa Rica. As for the methodology, it consisted of a qualitative descriptive design of the academic experience in research courses, corresponding to Taller de graduación I and II, both with a semester duration. The participating population consisted of students of said courses during 2020 and 2021. In addition, the authors established the following three axes for data collection and analysis: a) learning modality, b) theoretical methodological approach of the courses, and c) tacit products of experience. Regarding the results, although virtuality represented a challenge for the change and achievement of learning, the methodology resulted in a successful process that considered the general principles of technology-mediated pedagogy, according to the University of Costa Rica. Likewise, the theoretical-methodological approach allowed the student body to conclude their proposals with an advanced degree or higher in 87.5% and 65% between 2020 and 2021, respectively. Just in 2020, 62.5% of students had proposals ready to be reviewed by the commission, or approved. Hence, the authors concluded that the graduation workshops (Talleres de graduación) need to be approached from the research methodology, in search of clarity and sequence in the stages, which would allow verifying the feasibility of the proposals, as well as prioritizing the development of research competencies over the complexity of the final product of the TFG. On the other hand, concerning the applications of the research, in guidance courses for final graduation projects, goals must be established in different terms so that the student body advances sustainably and consistently. Finally, the researchers recommend for future similar teaching practices to allow the graduated student population to share their experiences with those who are just starting and to establish their own work schedules for each research proposal as a tool for a work commitment.
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