Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Estimation of hydrodinamic parameters in a volcanic fractured phreatic aquifer in Costa Rica. Part I
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Fractured aquifer
analytic model
tracer test
Acuífero fracturado
modelo analítico
ensayo trazador

How to Cite

Macías, J., Vargas, A., & Frutos, F. (2016). Estimation of hydrodinamic parameters in a volcanic fractured phreatic aquifer in Costa Rica. Part I. Revista geológica De América Central, 55.


Estimate values for transport parameters are reported for the conditions of a volcanic fractured phreatic aquifer in Costa Rica. Three salt-tracer tests performed under natural gradient conditions were interpreted with the aid of single porosity advective-dispersive analytical solutions for pulse and instantaneous injections. Field breakthrough curves showed a clear asymmetric shape, very common of fractured systems. Applied analytical solutions allowed to gain insights in the understanding of the transport processes involved during solute transport in fractured systems, but did not allowed for the reproduction of the observed asymmetric shape. Flow parameters were also obtained (saturated hydraulic conductivity; effective porosity and Darcy´s flux). The calculated values are within the range of values reported in the literature for fractured aquifers.
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