Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Attenuation of response spectra in seismic hazard problems. Use of original published GMPEs or their correction by local characteristics? Study case Nicaragua
Amenaza sísmica - aceleración en [g] - con un percentil 84 para período de retorno de 475 años, y un valor de VS30 = 760 m/seg. Tomado de (Álvarez, 2021)
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Response spectra
Seismic hazard
Uniform hazard spectra
Espectros de respuesta
Relaciones de atenuación
Amenaza sísmica
Espectros de amenaza uniforme

How to Cite

Álvarez, L. (2022). Attenuation of response spectra in seismic hazard problems. Use of original published GMPEs or their correction by local characteristics? Study case Nicaragua. Revista geológica De América Central, 67, 1–18.


An analysis of acceleration response spectra (SA) recorded in Nicaragua and its comparison with those predicted with different published GMPE (Ground Motion Prediction Equations) is presented (a geometric mean of recorded horizontal acceleration components is used). It is discussed a procedure for modification of published GMPE to be locally used, based on the residual analysis of observed SA, converted to expected values in hard rock (VS30 = 1130 m/seg), with respect to predicted by GMPE’s ones: ln{ERAobserved(T)} - ln{ERApredicted(T)}. The modification takes the form of a correction Q(μi,σi) with “i” varying over spectrum periods, being “μ” the bias and “σ” the standard dispersion. A procedure is proposed for its use in seismic hazard assesment that consist in using the modified GMPE for hard rock in the calculations and converting the obtained uniform hazard spectra to desired value of VS30 by using the same method employed to convert the observed SA to hard rock ones. It is considered that this procedure gives better results that the direct use of published GMPE.
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