In this investigation, the performance and cost of workforce, material, and equipment in the application of plaster with industrialized mortar were estimated. The measurements were made in three housing projects of one and two levels, located within Alajuela, Heredia, San José or Cartago, Costa Rica. In the first two, mortars of different brands were used, however, the application methodology was manual in both cases. In the third project the same mortar was used as one of the previous projects, but it was applied mechanically. For the data analysis obtained, the statistical student-t test was used, with a reliability of 90%. It should be noted that the results are valid only for projects with characteristics like the ones used in this study.
According to the results, the cost of the plastering applied manually is very similar to the one applied with a sprayer machine, since the savings in workforce cost is approximately equivalent to the amount necessary to amortize the equipment and the additional cost of the projectable material.
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