Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Peces de la plataforma continental de Michoacán y sus relaciones regionales en el Pacífico mexicano
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tropical Pacific
regional relationships

How to Cite

Madrid Vera, J., Ruiz Luna, A., & Rosado Bravo, I. (1998). Peces de la plataforma continental de Michoacán y sus relaciones regionales en el Pacífico mexicano. Revista De Biología Tropical, 46(2), 267–276.


The ichlhyofauna from the continental shelf of Michoacan (Mexico) was surveyed from June 1987 through June 1992 to produce a checklist of 2 57 species. The sample size and colIection representativeness were validated by fitting a logístic model for the accumulative number of species (St=298.86(l-e-O·122t». In agreement with lhis model, 85% of fue maximum forecas! for cumulative species lhat can be caught under the same sampling conditions (298), have been identified. A probable scenario for the regional species interrelationships was obtained wilh a multivariate analysis Iha! includes 1180 species (rows) belonging to 16 checklists (columns) of ¡he northwestem Pacific Ocean ichthyofauna. From the analysis, the species composition on the Pacific shelf of Michoacan seems to be influenced by conditions similar lo lhose of northern areas (Iower Gulf of California) and not only by Ihe physiography of Ihe narrow coastal shelf of Michoacan.
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