We studied the effect of light and scarification of the seed coat on the germination of seeds of five tree species which are characteristic of secondary growth: Apeiba membranacea, A. tibourbou, Luehea seemannii, Trichospermum mexicanum and Guazuma ulmnifolia. The seeds were scarified in sulfuric acid or hot water for 2 or 10 minutes, then germinated in a screened growing house in sunlight and shade.
The seeds were not light sensitive. In the controls, germination was very low in both light and shade except in L. seemannii. A requirement for light did not develop after scarification.
Scarification increased percent germination in all species by either softening the seed coat or providing a high temperature cue. In L. seemannii, the species with the softest seed coat, hot water increased germination while acid decreased it.
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