Three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has an important role in the detection of vertical root fractures (VRFs). The effect of artifact generation by high-density objects like dental implants on image quality was well documented. This study aimed to assess the effect of tooth-implant distance and the application of metal artifact reduction (MAR) algorithm on the detection of VRFs on CBCT scans. This study was conducted on 20 endodontically treated single-rooted teeth. VRFs were induced in 10 teeth, while the other 10 remained intact. The implant was inserted in the right second premolar socket area, and two teeth were inserted in right canine and right first premolar sockets area randomly and underwent CBCT with and without the application of MAR algorithm. SPSS 21 was used to analyze the results (alpha=0.05). According to the findings of this study, all four variables of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive predictive values in diagnosis were higher in cases without MAR software at both close(roots in first premolar sockets) and far distances (roots in canine sockets) from the implant. However, the highest rate of diagnosis accuracy of the first and second radiologists was in the far distance group from the implant without MAR, and the lowest rate of diagnosis accuracy in the first and second radiologists was in the close distance to the implant. Applying MAR algorithm had no positive effect on detection of VRFs on CBCT scans in both close and distant scenarios.
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