Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Author Contribution Statement
Follow the standard structure of a scientific paper (do not merge results with discussion) and include a note to the Editor to prepare a Spanish Abstract (Resumen) if you cannot provide one.
- All text, tables, images and figures must be included within a single DOCX, DOC file. Send professional quality illustrations with a minimun of 300DPi
Submit with your manuscript a cover letter signed by all coauthors stating: a- that the document and/or research is unpublished (totally or partially), that is original, not under publication consideration in another journal, and free of conflict of interest. b- a statement in which all coauthors agree with its publication in Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences, c- that your scientific research followed the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in regard to review best practice and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research and other material published in dental/medical journals,
Author Guidelines
Before submission of a manuscript to Odovtos – International Journal of Dental Sciencesit is highly recommended to read about our scope and check that all format and style details of your document agree with the journal requirements. The Editor-in-Chief will reject those manuscripts that do not fit the format and guidelines. Moreover, the Editor-in-Chief will check for plagiarism.
Our journal is Multilanguage and will just considered Original and Unpublished manuscripts. The articles may be submitted in English or Spanish, in a Word document to the Editor-in-Chief by online submission in
or by email (with a title message – “NEW MANUSCRIPT”) to the following address:
All submissions must include a title page; all text, tables and figures must be included within a single DOC File.
Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter signed by all co-authors stating:
- That the manuscript is original and all co-authors agree with its publication, and authorize the corresponding author for representing them throughout all the submission/publication process.
- That the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration of publication by another journal.
- That the content, data, information of the manuscript does not contain material copied from any other resource.
- That Authors transfer printed and electronic reproduction rights to the Journal and accept to comply with all Journal norms regarding procedures, format and any other pertinent aspect.
That your scientific research followed the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in regard to review best practice and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research and other material published in dental/medical journals,
Authors must state that the protocol for the research project has been approved by a suitably constituted Ethics Committee of the institution within which the work was undertaken and that it conforms to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki. The Journal retains the right to reject any manuscript on the basis of unethical conduct of either human or animal studies. All investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the subject gave informed consent. Patient anonymity should be preserved. Photographs need to be cropped sufficiently to prevent human subjects being recognized or an eye bar should be used.
If any identifying information is included in any part of the manuscript, you must obtain a written informed consent from the patient and submit a copy of the document to the editorial office.
Any experiments involving animals must be demonstrated to be ethically acceptable and where relevant conform to international guidelines for animal usage in research, and approved by animal ethics committee or similar entities.
Authors are required to disclose all sources of institutional, private and corporate financial support for their study. Authors are also required to disclose any potential conflict of interest. These include financial interests (for example patent, ownership, stock ownership, consultancies, speaker's fee,) or provision of study materials by their manufacturer for free or at a discount from current rates.
Authorship confers credit and has important academic, social, and financial implications. Authorship also implies responsibility and accountability for published work. ICMJE and Odovtos Int. J. Dent. Sc. recommendations are intended to ensure that contributors who have made substantive intellectual contributions to a paper are given credit as authors, but also that contributors credited as authors understand their role in taking responsibility and being accountable for what is published. For more information please visit:
Authors can submit the names and email addresses of any preferred reviewers, which has to be a internationally recognized leader and cannot be colleagues at the same institution or present or former collaborators.
Odovtos Int J Dent Sc confirms reception within 3 days, if no reply is received please contact us.
Authorship Contribution
From July 1 2021, an author contribution statement should be provided during the submission process. This would enhance the transparency and ethical policies regarding authorship to recognize individual author contributions, reducing authorship disputes or misconduct, and facilitating collaboration. This measure is a usual statement that is more commonly used worldwide and would contribute to comply ICMJE Policies.
The ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.
All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship, and all who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged.
Sample of an author contribution statement
For all articles, a short paragraph specifying their individual contributions must be provided and would be published. The following statements should be used:
"Conceptualization and Design, X.X. and Y.Y.; Literature Review, X.X.; Methodology and Validation, X.X.; Formal Analysis, X.X.; Investigation and Data Collection, X.X.; Resources, X.X.; Data Analysis and Interpretation, X.X.; Writing – Original Draft Preparation, X.X.; Writing – Review & Editing, X.X.; Supervision, X.X.; Project Administration, X.X.; Funding Acquisition, Y.Y.”
Manuscript Requirements by Type
Odovtos Int J Dent Sc accepts the following manuscripts type for consideration:
Original Research Articles: Includes laboratorial, biological and clinical research. This type of manuscript have a limit of 2500-4000 words including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. A total of 5-7 tables or figures must be accepted, avoid unnecessary use of color, a limit of 40 references is accepted.
Literature Review Articles: These manuscripts generally emphasize recent development or innovative topics of high relevance to dental sciences over the last three years. Systematic reviews of relevant topics may be submitted, and meta-analyses only should be considered when a sufficient numbers of studies are available. This type of article has a limit of 3000 words, a total of 6 figures or tables and no more of 50 references.
Case Reports: This article may report a clinical case or several cases with innovative technologies / procedures, or unique clinical significance to the field. We encouraged case reports with a concise literature background. Manuscripts have a limit of 8000 words (if includes literature review), otherwise no more than 1500 words and a maximum of 50 references. Case reports must adhere to CARE Guidelines.
Note: Original Research Articles based on laboratorial, biological and clinical experimental design are prioritized, while literature reviews and case reports has to provide a potential relevance to the field.
Guest Perspective Article: are submitted by invitation only and provide streamlined, mechanistic insight into the current state of the art in an innovative technology, topic or trend in the field of dental sciences. A perspective article is a brief description of timely topics, presenting a position or hypothesis on a basic science or clinical subject of relevant theme. It highlights directions for research and dental practice. The write up should not be more than 1500 words and could include figures or tables. There is a maximum of 5-8 references.
Short Communication: These types of manuscript are concise articles-communications that aim to report new ideas, recent advances in the development of dental research by recognized authors in their respective field. Usually are submitted by invitation. Short communications do not cover in detail background information; rather they provide key pointers to the reader. The work reported needs to be innovative and significantly, advancing the state of the art. It is not intended to publish preliminary results. The manuscripts submitted have a limit of 1500 words, and could include figures or tables. It should have at least 5-10 references. Short communications are passed through peer review process.
Letters to the Editor: Topics arising, brief discussions, research notes, and comments on a previously published research article may be sent for publication as Letters to the Editor which will be given high priority in publication and will ensure fast publication. It should be brief and to the point and should contain no more than 1000 words. There will be no peer-review of the content but the Director or a member of the Editorial Board will assess it before publication. The aim of this section is to enhance the written scientific debate.
Format and Style of Manuscripts
Authors should follow all format details from a recent issue or check examples at:
Text: Helvetica, Helvetica Neue LT SD, Times New Roman or Arial 12 must be used.
All submissions must include a Title Page with the following data:
- Title must be in English and Spanish (maximum 75 characters, if referred problem with Spanish language please ask the Editor for assistance).
- Authors names separated by semicolons, initials of their middle names and surname if desire and titles (Ex: Jacques E. Nor DDS, MSc, PhD1*; Mabel Cordeiro DDS, PhD2). Affiliations (numbers in superscript) and email of the corresponding author marked with an asterisk*. The authors must provide their Redalyc, ORCID and/or Researcher ID number.
- The abstract must be in English and in Spanish of no more than 300 words single –spaced (if referred problem with Spanish language please ask the Editor for assistance).
- A minimum of 6 keywords (English and Spanish). Keywords should be selected from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to be used for indexing of articles.
Link: for information on the selection of key words.
The body of the text should be double-spaced and justified. Chapters or sections must be in capital letters. Subchapters or subtitles in bold aligned to the left. If any acknowledgements must be placed at the end of the article before references. Use the International System (SI) units and abbreviations. Abbreviations and initials must be written out fully when first used.
The same font must be used but smaller (7-8pt). The number must be indicated, followed by a brief heading. The table must be cited in text.
Figures, graphs and photographs have to be inserted at the end of the Doc File during the submission process. The number and heading must be indicated. Avoid graphics in three dimensions and unnecessary use of color. After acceptance send the material in 300 DPI.
There is no charges associated with article processing or submission charges or with online publication, . Color figures in the online version has no extra charges. There are no charges for figures and diagrams in the printed version. However, there is a limited amount of figures to include in each article type. The cost of extra color figures in the print version will be borne by the authors. If desired color reproduction of your figures in the print version please contact the editor-in-chief at
Odovtos Int J Dent Sc adheres to the Vancouver reference style starting from 2015 Issues, which can be found in most citation management software products.
- In the Vancouver Style, citations within the text of the article are identified by Arabic numbers in round brackets. This applies to references in text, tables and figures.
- Do not use superscript for references.
- The EndNote referencing style software uses the Arabic number in brackets.
- If you want to cite several pieces of work in the same sentence, you will need to include the citation number for each piece of work. A hyphen should be used to link numbers that are inclusive, and a comma used where numbers are not consecutive. Ex: Several studies (6–9, 13, 15) have examined the effect of ……
Journal Article
Elements of the Citation
Author(s) – Family name and initials. Title of article. Title of journal – abbreviated Publication year; volume(issue):pages.
One author
In- text: As highlighted by Snowdon (18)........
Reference list: 18. Snowdon J. Severe depression in old age. Med Today. 2002;3(12):40-47.
Two authors
In- text: McInnes & Bollen (19) have developed a perspective which identifies ...
Reference list: 19. McInnes D, Bollen J. Learning on the job: metaphors of choreography. Venereology 2000; 13(1):27-36.
Three to more than six authors
In- text: Hanna et al (21) report in this article that ...
Reference list: 21. Hanna JN, McBride WJ, Brookes DL, Shield J, Taylor CT, Smith IL, Craig SB, Smith GA. Hendra virus infection in a veterinarian. Med J Aust. 2006;185(10):562-64.
Elements of the Citation
Author(s) – Family name and initials, Multiple authors separated by a comma. Title of book. Edition of book if later than 1st ed. Place of Publication: Publisher Name; Year of Publication.
One author
In- text: Butler (1) demonstrates........
Reference list: 1. Butler SW. Secrets from the Black Bag. London: The Royal College of General Practitioners; 2005.
Two to six authors
In- text: Cheers, Darracott and Lonne (2) have highlighted the fact that ‘...
Reference list: 2. Cheers B, Darracott R, Lonne B. Social care practice in rural communities. Sydney: The Federation Press; 2007.
Six or more authors
In- text: Regarding this collaboration (3)....................
Reference list: 3. Hofmeyr GJ, Neilson JP, Alfirevic Z, Crowther CA, Gulmezoglu AM, Hodnett ED et al. A Cochrane pocketbook: Pregnancy and childbirth. Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2008.
Elements of the Citation
Printed Thesis: Author. Thesis title [type of thesis]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
Online Thesis: Author. Thesis title [type of thesis on the internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year [cited date – year month day]. Available from: Name of database/web address
In- text: The research is support by Kay (39)...
Reference list: 39. Kay JG. Intracellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages [PhD thesis]. St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2007.
Thesis – retrieved from database/internet
In- text: The research (40)...
Reference list: 40. Pahl KM. Preventing anxiety and promoting social and emotional strength in early childhood: an investigation of aetiological risk factors [PhD thesis]. St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2009 [cited 2010 Mar 24]. Available from: University of Queensland Library E-Reserve.
Copyright Notice
ODOVTOS endorses CC BY-NC-SA which enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms. CC BY-NC-SA includes the following elements:
- BY: credit must be given to the creator.
NC: Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted.
SA: Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses submitted will be exclusively used for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or for another person.