Physical characteristics and nutritional value of stored mulberry (Morus alba) mixed with corn forage.


  • Carlos Boschini-Figueroa Universidad de Costa Rica, Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio Mata



Mulberry foliage and corn, harvested respectively after 120

and 135 days, were ensilaged (chopped and mixed in ratios of

100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100 as dry material). The

concentration of soluble carbohydrates was uniform at 10%

in all the treatments by adding molasses. The fermentation

period was 90 days. The compacted mulberry forage (the

100:0 ratio) had a density of 693 kg/m3 and that of the corn

forage (the 0:100 ratio) was 541 kg/m3, indicating marked

initial differences (p≤ 0.01) between them. At the end of the

experimental period, the stored material had densities ranging

between 750 and 556 kg/m3, with intermediate values

(p≤0.01) as the mulberry proportion was reduced in each

mixture. Loss of dry material was found among treatments

(p≤0.01) with 6.8 kg/m3 and 18.3 kg/m3. The organoleptic

characteristics evaluation had ratings from very good to

excellent in the mixtures with ratios of 75:50, 50:50, 25:75

and 0:100, but not in the mulberry forage (100:0) which has

a slight ammonia odor. The concentration of dry matter in the

fresh material was higher than that found in the stored

material (p≤0.05). The concentration of crude protein among

the mixtures was clearly differentiated (p≤0.01), in the

beginning as well as at the end of the fermentation period. A

similar condition was observed in the concentration of neutral

detergent fiber and total ash.


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How to Cite

Boschini-Figueroa, C. (2003). Physical characteristics and nutritional value of stored mulberry (Morus alba) mixed with corn forage. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 14(1), 51–57.