Evaluation of organic mulches and plastic coverings for the control of weeds in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller).


  • Mario E. Taravera Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, Honduras.
  • José R. Padilla Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, Honduras.




Three organic mulches were evaluated: pine sawdust, sugar cane dry-bagasse, rice chaff, along with two plastic coverings: Black plastic, gray plastic and a relative control. Trifluralin was applied in pre-sowing. Hilling was applied 15 days-after treatment and weeds were controlled manually 50 days-after treatment. Seedings from Peto 98 were obtained from a greenhouse. A completely randomized block design with four repetitions was used. The higher incidence of weeds was found when using organic mulches this affected the yields of fruits. The higher return was obtained with the plastic coverings.


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How to Cite

Taravera, M. E., & Padilla, J. R. (2006). Evaluation of organic mulches and plastic coverings for the control of weeds in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller). Agronomía Mesoamericana, 11(2), 101–107. https://doi.org/10.15517/am.v11i2.17323