Virus identification in tomato (Lycoperssicum sculentum L.) in five Departments of Guatemala.


  • Danilo Dardón ICTA, Guatemala
  • Felipe Calderón ICTA, Guatemala
  • Víctor Salguero CATIE-RENARM-MIP
  • Ramón Lastra CATIE-RENARM-MIP
  • Judith Browmn Universidad de Arizona, Estados Unidos



A sampling was eonducted at the Departments of Zacapa, Jutiapa, Jalapa, Chimaltenango and Guatemala, to determine the presence of the tomato viruses causing the disease known as "Curly Top" and if they are transmitted by the "white fly" (Bemisia tahaci Gennadius), the presence of six virus: TMV, CMV, TEV, PVY, PVX and TSWV, and two geminivirus CdTV and SCLV was detected, The finding of a single TSWV positive sample makes it necessary to reconfirm its presence in Guatemala because it had not been reported before, Likewise, the geminivirus in tomato had not been reported in Guatemala, as well as the Chinesse Virus of Tomato (VCdT) and the Squash Curly Leaf Virus (SCL V), It was concluded that different viruses are associated to the "Curly Top" disease in tomato and that they cause a diversity of symptoms.


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JONES, J. B.; JONES, J. P.; STALL, R. E.; ZITEER T. A. 1991. Compendium of tomato diseases. APS Press The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, Minnesota 55121, USA 71 p.

SANCHEZ-VIZCAINO, J. M.; CAMBARA ALVAREZ, M., 1987. Técnicas inmunoenzimáticas ELISA en patología animal y vegetal. Serie técnica No, 7, segunda edición; Office International Des Epizooties, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, 12, Ruz de Prony, 75018, Paris, Francia 62 p.



How to Cite

Dardón, D., Calderón, F., Salguero, V., Lastra, R., & Browmn, J. (2016). Virus identification in tomato (Lycoperssicum sculentum L.) in five Departments of Guatemala. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 5, 109–117.