Genetic parameter estimates on a tropical corn population.


  • Arnoldo Oyervides G.
  • Jorge M. Mariaca P.
  • Humberto De León C.
  • Manuel Reyes V. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro.



The purposes for estimating the genetic parameters were two fold: 1: the determination of geme action, 2: to supply the basic information for determining wich methodology of genetic improvement is to use. The objectives of this investigation are: to estimate heritability, genetic variability and general combining ability of the full sib families with pedigree. Two hundred and twenty four full sib families were evaluated in three localities of the humid tropics in Mexico. The variables studied were: tasseling and silking height, ear height, number of ears per 100 plants and yield. Significant differences were found at 0.01 probability for the source of variation of localities, replications within groups and localities, families within groups and in the interaction of localities by families/group. The coefficient of variation for days to tasseling and female flowering were 1.48 and 1.53 percent, respectively; for plant height and ear height was 5.27 and 8.54 percent, respectively and for number of ears per 100 plants and yield were 5.97 and 10.38 percent, respectively. The heritability values were: tasseling 0.734, silking 0.752, plant height 0.759, ear height 0.815, number of ears per 100 plants 0.434 and yield 0.583 and lastly, the families showed a good general combining ability.


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How to Cite

Oyervides G., A., Mariaca P., J. M., De León C., H., & Reyes V., M. (2016). Genetic parameter estimates on a tropical corn population. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 4, 30–35.