Foliar and radical response of maize to biological-chemical fertilization in a Luvisol soil
soil fertility, biomass, microorganisms, root dynamics, Zea mays L.Abstract
An alternative to replace the excessive use of chemical fertilizers is the use of soil microorganisms. In this regard, using nitrogen fixingbacteria (N) and mycorrhizal fungi may improve the growth of different crops. The objective was to evaluate the influence of Rhizophagus intraradices and Azospirillum brasilense, as well as the addition of chemical fertilizers on foliar and root response of maize crop in Luvisol soil. The study was conducted from October 2014 to January 2015 at the Technological Institute of the Mayan Zone, Quintana Roo, Mexico.A cornculture was established by a randomized complete block design, and four treatments with four replicates: Mycorrhiza and Azospirillum (MA), Mycorrhiza and Azospirillum + 50% chemical fertilizer, (MA + FQ50%), 100% chemical fertilizer FQ100%) in doses of 142-70-00 kg / ha and a control. Stem height and diameter of the plants were measured. In addition, the number and length of roots were monitored by means of the minirhizotron technique at five depths and at different ages of the plants. At the end of the experimental period, leaf and root biomass were quantified. Treatments of FQ100% and MA + FQ50% presented higher total height and higher stem diameter of the plants. Also, these showed the highest number and length of fine roots, compared to the other treatments. However, treatment with MA + FQ50% kept the highest amount of biomass at the end of the crop.
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