Effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculated on Canavalia ensiformis L. in Calcaric Histosol soils
symbiose, green manures, seed inoculation, soil.Abstract
Introduction. In recent years, significant results have been obtained in Cuba in the joint management of efficient strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Canavalia ensiformis L., in different types of soils. However, there are no reports about the effectiveness of strains of AMF in Calcaric Histosol soils, which are highly represented in the central and eastern areas of the country. Objective. The objective of this research was to compare the effectiveness of four AMF strains inoculated in C. ensiformis seeds in in Calcaric Histosol soils. Materials and methods. Plants through seed coatings inoculated and a non-inoculated control were evaluated; C. ensiformis L. was used as plant host in a complete randomized design with four repetitions per treatment during two consecutive years. Sixty days after C. ensiformis seeding, the biomass production; N, P and K contents; percentage of total mycorrhizal colonization; and the reproduction of mycorrhizal spores were evaluated. Results. For all variables, there was a positive and differentiated response between the different strains, and the highest values (p≤0.05) were obtained with the inoculation of Rhizoglomus intraradices / INCAM-11. The high amounts of spores produced by the inoculation with R. intraradices / INCAM-11 were indicative of to the possibilities of using Jackbean as a way to introduce efficient strains in this edaphic condition. Conclusion. The results obtained allow to include Calcaric Histosol soils, with pH>7.5, in the group of soils in which R. intraradices / INCAM-11 behaves as an efficient strain.
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