Food attractants in McPhail traps to capture of pineapple fly (Diptera: Richardiidae)
Perolera pineapple, Melanoloma viatrix, Colombia, pest samplingAbstract
Introduction. The pineapple fly (Melanoloma viatrix Hendel, 1911) was first reported in Colombia in 1991, and has become a limiting pest in pineapple crops in this country. The information about the species is scarce and it is required to estimate its distribution, fluctuation, and density, in order to design integrated pest management strategies. Objective. To evaluate food attractants as a sampling mechanism of Melanoloma viatrix Hendel. Materials and methods. The tests were carried out in pineapples farms in the municipality of Giron, Santander, Colombia, during the beginning of the first rainy season of 2003. Eight food attractants were evaluated within McPhail traps located in six random blocks within three commercial pineapple crops of the Perolera variety. Results. The McPhail trap food attractant tests captured more than 13 000 individuals, including diptera, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, neuroptera, hemiptera, and orthoptera, but only 138 specimens of the study species. Conclusion. Significant differences were observed in the captures of M. viatrix, being pineapple rind pieces, pineapple rind extract and natural pineapple juice the attractants that presented the best capture results.
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