Defoliation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) crop in La Chontalpa, Tabasco, México




defoliation, yield, quality, artificial defoliation


Introduction. Studies of defoliation in sugarcane in Mexico are scarce, it is unknown at what age of the plant and at what time of the year they should be carried out. Objective. To evaluate the effect of removing sugarcane leaves at different stages of cultivation and its response on quality and yield parameters. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out in the 2020-2021 harvest between the months of April and May, in a plot located in a ratoon of the COLPOSCTMEX 06-039 cultivar within the supply zone of the Ingenio Presidente Benito Juárez de la Chontalpa, Tabasco. A completely randomized experimental block design was used, where the defoliation treatments consisted of removing the complete leaves from the stem until leaving the leaf +5 (H5). The defoliation treatments were applied at 8, 9 and 10 months of age of the crop, plus a control without defoliation, with five repetitions per treatment. The growth parameters evaluated were plant height and diameter, number of stems, and leaf area indices (IAF) and normalized difference vegetation (NDVI). At the time of harvest, the °Brix and the agricultural yields of sugarcane were measured. Results. It was found that the growth and quality parameters were decreased by the total defoliation treatments. Treatment 2 showed the highest values of plant height and diameter, lower NDVI and stem yield at harvest time, and defoliation affected the LAI. The °Brix were not affected by the different defoliation treatments. Conclusion. Defoliation at nine months of age increases agricultural yield and does not affect the quality of the juices.


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Author Biography

Antonio López-Castañeda, Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa, Tabasco, Mexico



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How to Cite

Olvera-Rincón, F. ., Salgado-Velázquez, S. ., Córdova Sánchez, S., Palma-López, D. J. ., López-Castañeda, A. ., & Castañeda-Ceja, R. . (2024). Defoliation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) crop in La Chontalpa, Tabasco, México. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 53608.


