Oligogalacturonides as an alternative to increase nitrogenous nutrition and growth in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
legume, biological nitrogen fixation, biostimulantAbstract
Introduction. Bean production is limited by the availability of nitrogen in the soil and its low efficiency in biological nitrogen fixation. The application of a bio-stimulant based on oligogalacturonides (Pectimorf®) is considered an alternative to improve nitrogen nutrition in early stages of growth, but its effectiveness in later stages of cultivation is unknown. Objective. To determine the effect of Pectimorf® on indicators related to biological nitrogen fixation and the growth of common bean plants bio-fertilized with Azofert®-F during the R5 growth stage (pre-flowering). Materials and methods. The research was carried out at the Genomic Sciences Center of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (October 2018-March 2019) and at the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas en Cuba (November-December 2019). Experiments were carried out under controlled and semi-controlled conditions, evaluating the application of 10 mg L-1 of Pectimorf® to seeds along with Azofert®-F and foliar spraying at 5 and 100 mg L-1 on bio-fertilized plants. Plants treated only with Azofert® were used as a control. Nodulation, indicators of biological nitrogen fixation, and plant growth were evaluated. Results. Under controlled conditions, Pectimorf® stimulated nodulation, root development, and increased nitrogenase activity. In the semi-controlled conditions, it favored nodulation and growth, with the seed treatment and foliar spraying (100 mg L-1) standing out. Pectimorf® also increased the ureides synthesis in the nodules and the nitrogen content in the leaves. This product showed more than a 15 % effectiveness in relation to bio-fertilization. Conclusions. The application of Pectimorf® improved biological nitrogen fixation and growth during pre-flowering stage of common bean.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Danurys Lara-Acosta, Mario Ramírez-Yañez, Alfonso Leija-Salas, Georgina Hernández-Delgado, María C. Nápoles-García, Alejandro B. Falcón-Rodríguez

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