Soil quality (ISQ) indicators and indices of feedlots in the southern state of Hidalgo, Mexico.


  • Judith Prieto-Méndez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuaria
  • Francisco Prieto-García Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería
  • Otílio Arturo Acevedo-Sandoval Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuaria
  • María Aurora Méndez-Marzo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería



quality indicators, organic carbon, quick estimates, aggregate stability.


The objective of this study was to establish indicators and soil quality index (SCI) to enable rapid assessments and estimates in feedlot soils of the southern state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Consideration was given eight indicators were standardized on a 0-1 scale, representing respectively the worst and best condition from the standpoint of quality, regardless of the absolute values measured for each indicator. The maximum and minimum values for some attributes were set to optimal conditions. The SCI found in this region was 0.48, which places it as moderate quality. This value was influenced by low values of soil organic carbon (SOC), as property that is affecting these soils. This decrease of SOC is also the main cause of the low values of aggregate stability and infiltration and an indicator of the values of bulk density. These changes affect the physical properties of soil surface condition leading to increased erosion processes, with consequent loss of thickness of the surface horizon, reflected by the indicator.


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How to Cite

Prieto-Méndez, J., Prieto-García, F., Acevedo-Sandoval, O. A., & Méndez-Marzo, M. A. (2013). Soil quality (ISQ) indicators and indices of feedlots in the southern state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 24(1), 83–91.