State technical training centers from Chile: A public policy for the common good.


  • Osvaldo Cifuentes Ministerio de Educación



Higher Education Institutions, Professional Technician, Territory, Public Administration, State


In Chile, in 2016, Law N° 20.910 was published, which creates fifteen State Technical Training Centers. Its aim is to resolve a historical problem in the country, which is related to the absence of the State in higher level technical education. Progressively, these centers began to run in each of the regions of the country, seeking to enhance the development of the territories and provide quality public education. Given this, the objective of this research is to analyze the setting up process of the State Technical Training Centers the impact they have had on the territory. After reviewing various documentation on the subject, the evolution of the State Technical Training Centers is evident, considering their beginnings, their development and their current situation. Their strengths and weaknesses are established, as well as notions of the social value towards these Technical and Professional Higher Education Institutions by the key actors of the system. In addition to all the above, different improvements are proposed for the short, medium and long term, which seek, precisely, to strengthen all State Technical Training Centers.


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Author Biography

Osvaldo Cifuentes, Ministerio de Educación

Departamento de Política y Gobierno, Universidad Alberto Hurtado; y Departamento de Trayectorias Formativas, Subsecretaría de Educación Superior, Ministerio de Educación, Santiago, Chile





Recapitulation studies