In this article the most important details which favored the strength of the Mathematics Major at Sede de Occidente of the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) are board, taking into consideration the two campuses of the Sede. Courses offered, professors who taught
those courses, and the number of graduated students by semester is indicated. Also, the major´s impact, over the Secondary Schools from the Occidental Region, is mentioned. The internal organization of the major is described, and its established link with the Mathematics School, the Education School from Sede Rodrigo Facio and the Education Department from Sede de Occidente. The main strengths and weaknesses of the current major are analyzed according to the authors´ perception and the opinion of twenty-five students from the fourth and fifth years, data obtained by means of a questionnaire. Finally, some general ideas to initiate a discussion for the planning of a proper major to belong to the Sede de Occidente are presented.