Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Aspectos neotectónicos y geológicos de Puriscal y alrededores, Costa Rica
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How to Cite

Arias M., O., & Denyer Ch., P. (2011). Aspectos neotectónicos y geológicos de Puriscal y alrededores, Costa Rica. Revista geológica De América Central, 12.


A seismic swarm of tectonic origin affected the area of Puriscal and sourroundings in 1990. For this reason,  an area of 250 Kmhas been selected for detail mapping. 

The geological map show that the area is formed by lithological units varying in age from the Miocene to Recent. The structural features show that main faulting is NW-SE and ins expressed on strike slip dextral faults. Another faulintg is transtensional N-S and siniestral NE-SW strike slip.

Statistical analysis of focal  mechanism corrspond to he faults that had been identifed. Both methods show the mean direction of compression to be N10°-20°E, and it  interpreted as caused by  simple shear between the regional faults named Jaris and Candelaria. Hence, it is concluded that the regional compression is S-N.
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