Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Ensayos de hidrogateo en la determinación de la longitud del blindaje de un tunel a presión con baja cobertura
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How to Cite

Cervantes, J. F. (2011). Ensayos de hidrogateo en la determinación de la longitud del blindaje de un tunel a presión con baja cobertura. Revista geológica De América Central, 17.


For the final line design of a pressure tunnel some factors must be taken into account to ensure it during the operating life. It is necessary to get the geological excavation data, geomechanic parameters and details of the hydraulic operation. The tunnel will be lined with steel liner at the span where it has less cover and the rock mass strength is not enough to ensure an adequate in situ compressive stress to prevent hydraulic jacking. To identify this phenomena a hydraulic jacking test is used inside the underground opening to study its hydromechanic behavior. The Tunnel I of the Toro Hydroelectric Complex Project was excavated with little cover and the metodology explained above has been used which defined a length of 375 for the steel liner.
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