Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Review of the studies with microfossils in Costa Rica
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Betancur, J. (2014). Review of the studies with microfossils in Costa Rica. Revista geológica De América Central.


A compilation of studies with microfossils in Costa Rica is carried out from biostratigraphic, paleoecological and paleoclimatic point of view. The most numerous studies are done with foraminifera (planktonic and benthic), which are found in the fossil record since the Jurassic period, with numerous events of extinction and the appearance of new species that makes them a good biostratigraphic tool. Investigations in other minor groups such as radiolarians, testate amoebae, diatoms and pollen, are presented as well.
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GAMBOA, V., 2013: Paleoecología, estratigrafía y sedimentología del depósito de diatomita de Loma Camastro, Liberia-Guanacaste.- 84 págs. Univ. de Costa Rica, San José [Tesis Lic.].

GÓMEZ, M. 1992: Evaluación de un yacimiento de diatomita en Quebrada Grande-Liberia, Guanacaste (Costa Rica).- 98 págs. Univ. de Costa Rica, San José [Tesis Lic.].

HABERYAN, K., & HORN, S., 2005: Un registro de diatomeas que cubre 10000 años del lago de las Morrenas 1, Parque Nacional Chirripó, Costa Rica.- En: KAPPELLE, M., & HORN, S. (ed.): Páramos de Costa Rica.- Inst. Nac. de Biodiversidad (INBio), San José: 275-285.

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PIZARRO, D., 1985: Bioestratigrafía de la Formación Uscari en base a foraminíferos planctónicos/Mioceno Medio a Superior, Costa Rica.- 34 págs. Univ. de Costa Rica, San José [Tesis Lic.].

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