Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Nuevos registros fósiles de Otodus (Megaselachus) chubutensis [Ameghino, 1901 a 1902] para el Mioceno Inferior de Costa Rica, América Central
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Shark teeth
Lower Miocene
Dientes de tiburón
Mioceno Inferior

How to Cite

Laurito, C. A. (2015). Nuevos registros fósiles de Otodus (Megaselachus) chubutensis [Ameghino, 1901 a 1902] para el Mioceno Inferior de Costa Rica, América Central. Revista geológica De América Central, 53.


In this study are identified and described two fossil shark teeth proceeding from the Lower Miocene of Santa Teresa Formation, at the southern Nicoya Peninsula and San Miguel Formation at the southeast area of the Central Valley, in the central part of the country. Both geological formations correspond to shallow marine sequences; and those founds permit to correlate them with the Rio Banano Formation, outcropping in the Caribbean region where, is also recorded the species Otodus (Megaselachus) chubutensis [Ameghino, 1901 a 1902].
PDF (Español (España))


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