Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

The Tobosi Fault: Source of the 2011-2012 Tobosi Earthquake Swarm in Central Costa Rica
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Active fault
earthquake swarm
seismic hazard
Costa Rica
focal mechanisms
Falla activa
enjambre sísmico
amenaza sísmica
Costa Rica
mecanismos focales

How to Cite

Araya, M. C., Linkimer, L., Montero, W., & Rojas, W. (2015). The Tobosi Fault: Source of the 2011-2012 Tobosi Earthquake Swarm in Central Costa Rica. Revista geológica De América Central, 53.


The Central Costa Rica Deformed Belt (CCRDB) is an ~100-km broad zone of deformation that marks the boundary between the Caribbean Plate and the Panama Microplate. From December 2011 to February 2012, an earthquake swarm took place in a portion of the CCRDB, near the town of Tobosi, 7 km southwest of the city of Cartago. In this study, data recorded by the National Seismological Network of Costa Rica (RSN: UCR-ICE) is used to relocate the earthquakes and calculate their focal mechanisms. Additionally, the tectonic geomorphology of the region is analyzed. The results show a transtension structure near the town of Tobosi, which comprises at least three faults, named: the Tobosi, Tablon, and Alumbre faults. It was found that the Tobosi fault is an active left-lateral strike-slip fault with a normal component and was the source of the Tobosi earthquake swarm.
PDF (Español (España))


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