Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Effects of surface wave recordings considering different geometries and site conditions using frecuency-wave number technique (F-K)
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Surface waves
dispersion curve
frequency-wave number (F-K)
Ondas superficiales
curva de dispersión
arreglos de sensores
frecuencia-número de onda (F-K)

How to Cite

Echeverría, J. P., & Schmidt, V. (2016). Effects of surface wave recordings considering different geometries and site conditions using frecuency-wave number technique (F-K). Revista geológica De América Central, 55.


Surface wave recordings are a novel technique for the seismic classification of sites regarding dynamic properties. Therefore, an evaluation of the results of ambient vibrations with different geometrical configurations and site conditions is needed. This work is a study of the effect of the configurations, number of seonsors, dimension of the radius and time of recording in the methodology of arrays. In this paper, three sites were selected for the application of surface wave recordings: Parque Metropolitano La Sabana, Instalaciones Deportivas de la Universidad de Costa Rica y el Estadio Municipal de Palmares. In each of these, geometrical variations in the array disposition were studied using the Frequency-Wavenumber (F-K) technique. The array with the best results using the F-K technique was the circular configuration, combining large and a small opening. It is recommended a minimum time of recording of 30 minutes to obtain the needed information from the ambient vibrations, as well.
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