Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

30 years later, what did we have learned from the 1991 Limón earthquake in the design of buildings and residences?
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Seismic Code
Earthquake engineering
Código sísmico
Ingeniería sísmica

How to Cite

Hidalgo-Leiva, D. A. (2021). 30 years later, what did we have learned from the 1991 Limón earthquake in the design of buildings and residences?. Revista geológica De América Central, 65, 1–13.


On April 22, 1991, an earthquake of magnitude 7.7Mw generated a great amount of damage in the structures located in the Caribbean zone of Costa Rica. The follow-up of the earthquake-resistant design code available at that time (Costa Rican Seismic Code 1986), as well as the recommendations given in the current regulations (Costa Rican Seismic Code 2010/14), are used to assess the observed damage in some structures, to identify if they were caused by a breach of the regulations of that date or due to lack of development in the regulations. In this document, three structural typologies are evaluated through representative cases: reinforced concrete buildings, concrete masonry structures, and elevated structures to be flood resistant. For this evaluation, a photographic record available in the Earthquake Engineering Laboratory was analyzed. All photographs were taken by members of the Laboratory during inspection campaigns carried out days after the main event.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Diego A. Hidalgo-Leiva


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