Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Evaluation of local tsunami potential based on seismic-tectonic analysis in the Caribbean of Costa Rica
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Maximum Expected Earthquake Scenario
Coseismic Slip
Tsunami Numerical Simulations
Costa Rica
escenario sísmico máximo
deslizamiento cosísmico
simulación numérica de tsunami
Costa Rica

How to Cite

Zamora, N., Arroyo-Solórzano, M., Porras, H., Chacón, S., Rivera, F., & Murillo, A. (2021). Evaluation of local tsunami potential based on seismic-tectonic analysis in the Caribbean of Costa Rica. Revista geológica De América Central, 65, 1–23. Retrieved from


In Costa Rica, despite their relative low frequency, tsunamis could pose risk to coastal communities. The integration of geophysical and geological information allows the interpretation of possible rupture areas for which tsunami propagation and inundation is evaluated through numerical modeling along the Caribbean of Costa Rica and areas adjacent to the tsunamigenic earthquake that occurred in 1991 (Mw 7,7). The results show that the tsunami threat in the Caribbean of Costa Rica arises particularly from earthquakes generated in the North Panama Deformation Belt. In addition, it is shown that medium-magnitude earthquakes (Mw ~ 7) in high-angle faults can cause local tsunamis. This work can be used as a basis for the generation of evacuation maps and awareness of the tsunami threat in the area.

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