Annals in Gerontology ISSN Impreso: 1659-0813 ISSN electrónico: 2215-4647

Aproaches from Narrative Gerontology: Autobiographical Memory as a Resource for Identity Development in Older People
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Gerontología narrativa
Memoria autobiográfica
Desarrollo humano
narrative gerontology
autobiographical memory
human development

How to Cite

Salazar Villanea, M. (2015). Aproaches from Narrative Gerontology: Autobiographical Memory as a Resource for Identity Development in Older People. Annals in Gerontology, 7(7), 41–68. Retrieved from


Validating reflection, examination of own past experiences and subjective activity in old age is as important as emphasizing external objective activity. Both are challenges for Gerontology. In active aging, the importance of inner subjective activity must be recognized as essential for a comprehensive and balanced development of the identity, in a world of external demand and objectively progressive and productive activity in the material sense. A humanist gerontological approach (Baars, Dohmen, Grenier y Phillipson, 2013), in the ethical paradigm of self care, recognizes the development of identity in old age as a goal above the mere development of productive activity. Narrative Gerontology suggests that humans are "meaning-making beings" (Kenyon, Bohlmeijer and Randall, 2010) and there is a need to develop better tools to educate the elderly and to promote the processes of construction of those meanings of their own life experiences. This paper focuses on the description of the psycho-gerontological approaches that support the inner-world-activity-based interventions in strategies such as reminiscence, life review and autobiography.
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