Annals in Gerontology ISSN Impreso: 1659-0813 ISSN electrónico: 2215-4647

Loneliness in elderly people: an intervention proposal through the telephone accompaniment in Santiago de Chile
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phone accompaniment
phone assistance
pandemic and the elderly
phone volunteering
gerontological intervention
personas mayores
acompañamiento telefónico
atención telefónica
pandemia en personas mayores
voluntariado telefónico
intervención gerontológica

How to Cite

León Aguilera, D., Gómez Maldonado, E., Urrutia Quiroz, B., & Rojas G, N. (2021). Loneliness in elderly people: an intervention proposal through the telephone accompaniment in Santiago de Chile. Annals in Gerontology, 13(13), 117–144. Retrieved from


The Covid-19 pandemic made the loneliness and isolation of the elderly visible, where the ATM (emotional support phone for the elderly) arises as an intervention device, to decrease loneliness and contribute to generate positive emotions. In it, a group of volunteers delivered company through the telephone to elderly who were lonely or feeling lonely during april and july 2020. This study aims to measure the results of this intervention carried out on a group of 72 elderly people who were delivered from municipal and state devices from Santiago de Chile in which questionnaires were applied via telephone (ESTE II and SPANE). The evidence has allowed us to reflect on and understand the results we obtained, in light of the multi-causality and complexity of loneliness where action is required from different areas for greater efficiency. Results indicate the inexistence of significant statistical variation in social loneliness and positive/negative emotions and affective balance after ATM, however, there is evidence of improvement or maintenance of perceived loneliness in one group.

As a conclusión, this device of emotional support (ATM)can be a beneficial tool for the elderly, possible even to be used in non-pandemic period, since it can promote positive emotions and improve the perception of loneliness, but it has to be used with other interventions in order to achieve an integral approach of the cases.

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