Annals in Gerontology ISSN Impreso: 1659-0813 ISSN electrónico: 2215-4647

Personal development alternatives for "Envejecimiento Feliz" group, Orosi community
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Elderly person
personal developing
leisure activities
spare time
physical activity
Persona adulta mayor
desarrollo personal
tiempo libre
actividad física

How to Cite

Duarte Tencio, T. (2005). Personal development alternatives for "Envejecimiento Feliz" group, Orosi community. Annals in Gerontology, 5(5), 71–80. Retrieved from


In this article, the discoveries of a qualitative study performed with 22 elderly persons that belong to the group “Joyful Aging” of the community of Orosi, Cartago, are described. The objective of this investigation was to establish alternatives for personal developing and leisure activities for this group of people. The recompilation of information was completed by means of active observation and semi-structured interviews, as well as prepared group activities. The project included educational sessions based on requested topics by elderly persons, leisure activi- ties and handicrafts. Participative techniques, such as: readings, group discussions and forums, among others, were used. Among the resulting conclusions, the taking over of the project and commitment of the participants who instead of being just simple receptors became program creators, were highlighted. The elderly persons decided and analyzed for themselves the existent group necessities as well as their possibilities. The results show that the group process that was generated produced taking over and raised new interests in every participant. This, at the same time, improved the commitment and productivity of the group itself.
PDF (Español (España))


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