Annals in Gerontology ISSN Impreso: 1659-0813 ISSN electrónico: 2215-4647

Medicines for chronic diseases in seniors
PDF (Español (España))


adulto mayor
reporte individual
revisión botiquín
individual report
first-aid kit revision

How to Cite

Cubero Mata, A. (2011). Medicines for chronic diseases in seniors. Annals in Gerontology, 6(6), 51–58. Retrieved from


Costa Rica ́s process of population aging is a consequences of a low fertility and high life expectancy which outlines new challenges in the attention for chronic diseases. A sample of elderly people is analyzed at the urban periphery with three objectives: to study the validity of the individual report of medication for chronic illnesses (diabetes, hypertension and cardiac disease) in relation to an objective revision of the first-aid kit of the participants, to determine the effect of sociodemographic factors in the probability of a appropriate medication regimen and to elucidate the multidimensional process of medication holding. A weak relationship is evidenced between the report of medication and the first-aid kit revision, some factors influence positively the possibility of having appropriate medication like literacy, company and an increase Yesavage ́s scale score; others influence it negatively as alcoholism and co morbidity. There was evidence for just one dimension in the process to medications according to the variables used in this sample.
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