Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

Editorial: Issue 1 - Volume 1
PDF (Español (España))



How to Cite

Hernández Ureña, O. (2011). Editorial: Issue 1 - Volume 1. Revistarquis, 1(1), 1–4.


Today many years, after the first step taken by the architects Rafael "Felo" García, Jorge Bertheau and Edgar Brenes, founders of what we proudly call "THE SCHOOL" and forgers of the "ARQUIS" spirit, we see this date to commemorate 40 years as an opportunity to continue growing and enriching our mission as an institution. A mission that has already been valued with the SINAES accreditation for our fidelity and compliance with the standards and processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

Over the years, our School has left a mark that time can hardly erase. The path that we have traveled up to now is leaving an indelible mark on all the people who have participated in a system that seeks to make the human being and the environment perceive as a whole in which both complement each other. A liberal and self-conscious pedagogical approach, in an attempt to establish professionals a broad knowledge of their role within Costa Rican society. Looking back we can see the traces of hundreds of graduates and graduates who with care and commitment are collaborating with the development of our country from multiple sectors and not only from Architecture.

This contribution, promoted by the University of Costa Rica, is invaluable and pushes us today to continue improving. This is how we seek that this space that Arquis magazine opens, serves to continue enriching and sharing that spirit, by allowing us to communicate our research,

our points of view, our scientific contributions and other contributions, where professionals, teachers, students and the community give each other feedback.

The School invites you to participate in this communication window that helps us to continue celebrating and growing.

In the pages of this first issue we will find memories that will make us review our history. Although we always remember the three illustrious founders, we cannot fail to remember those who gave their invaluable contribution to build what today allows us to open this space. To all, teachers, administrators and students, thank you.



Dr. Arch. Olman Hernández

Director School of Architecture
PDF (Español (España))



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