Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

The built space’s symbolic sphere: Notes to an epistemic discussion
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How to Cite

Fuentes Farías, F. J. (2018). The built space’s symbolic sphere: Notes to an epistemic discussion. Revistarquis, 7(2).


Since the built space has ethical, aesthetic, social, and symbolic implications in general, it is also a fundamental reference in the cultural and subjective life of its inhabitants, its designers, and those who, over time, modify turn the course of said space. This makes it very difficult to study, so we are currently using various approaches that allow us to speak of a new understanding of urban and architectural thinking as well as new concepts and theoretical categories to approach from different positions to the reality of the built space. This paper summarizes the people’s subjective experiences in the city, conceptualized over key categories widely used in social theory such as social representations, urban imaginaries, and cultural identity. These key concepts are used in social sciences and constructivist geography to point out the result of the correlation between subjectivity and built space. In addition, we have an approach to neurosciences through phenomenological sociology which allows us to understand the basic processes of social and symbolic interaction. As a result, we have, in addition
to scientific knowledge, through neurosciences and other applications in the social sciences of the scientific method, we have an enactive way of knowing, that is, that comes from the experience the researcher obtains as an inhabitant of the own city.
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