Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

Formal approach and structural study of the Romanesque architecture of the Aran Valley
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How to Cite

Coll-Pla, S., Lluis Ginovart, J., Costa Jover, A., & Lluis Teruel, C. (2021). Formal approach and structural study of the Romanesque architecture of the Aran Valley. Revistarquis, 11(1), 1–15.


Aranese architecture has been influenced by the isolation of the area, in such a way that today
we find some Romanesque buildings that have been little modified. Pyrenean Romanesque architecture is characterized using the vaults causing great deformations in the rest of the church. This article studies the current shape of the vaults through topographic studies, locating the most deformed point and studying the stability of the cross section at that point. The vault has been isolated from the point cloud to individually study. The first study developed into de vault is a topographical compression to find the most deformed point of vault. From this point a vertical section will be layout and studied through the maximum pressure line. The results will specify the type of vault with which the vaults of the churches were built, they will allow us to know if the churches are stable while reaffirming the formal and constructive unity of the first Romanesque.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Sergio Coll-Pla, Josep Lluis Ginovart, Agustí Costa Jover, Cinta Lluis Teruel


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