Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

Emphaty and architecture: a phenomenological proposal.
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social cognition
social interaction
Cognición social
interacción social

How to Cite

Fuentes Farías, F. J. (2022). Emphaty and architecture: a phenomenological proposal.: Towards an enactivist theory of urban-architectural design. Revistarquis, 11(2), 149–164.


A problem little examined in the theoretical design are the moods addressed in the built space, for example the feelings of attraction or rejection in certain places, the feeling of belonging to a place, or the solemnity and transcendence in the face of certain urban forms, buildings, or public spaces, like graveyards, churchs, or gardens and squares. In this work it is proposed that in order to know how architecture influences the emotions of the inhabitants, the urban-architectural design specialist must explore their own experiences with the architectural space, and with the social and emotional sphere that is part of it. To demonstrate this, the concept of empathy, social cognition, and social interaction were briefly addressed, based on a bibliographic review of recent theoretical works on urban-architectural design. Theoretical, methodological and epistemic basis of design where compared with others from cultural geography, urban and cultural studies, and cognitive sciences in its embodied aspect, as well as from the hermeneutical tradition on the interpretation of meanings. As case studies, some references on public space and the urban space of historic cities were chosen, as significant elements or forms in the daily life of the inhabitants. It was shown that, although brain activity coordinates social cognition and various emotional states, the urban-social context also determines the meaning of emotions and sensitive experiences, since a socio-spatial process of collective production of meanings occurs through the inter- corporeality and interaction.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Francisco Javier Fuentes Farías


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