Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

Reflections and challenges in the face of spatial exclusion: the process of formulating a Strategic Plan for the North Caribbean Region
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territorial strategic planning
social sciences
North Caribbean
social maps
planificación estratégica territorial
ciencias sociales
Caribe Norte
mapas sociales

How to Cite

Chacón Muñoz, E. J. (2022). Reflections and challenges in the face of spatial exclusion: the process of formulating a Strategic Plan for the North Caribbean Region. Revistarquis, 11(2), 165–187.


This article questions Territorial Strategic Planning as a neutral tool, problematizing the way it has historically marked the landscape and the people who inhabit it. This reflection was developed during the preparation of a Strategic Plan for the North Caribbean Region, for which various sources of information were reviewed, such as: legislation on the matter, geospatial data, the historical configuration of production models, and academic research of relevance. With this, an alternative was proposed that would break with the hegemonic way of planning, while at the same time it suggests its use as a means to validate the population, by attending to their needs and respecting their human rights.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Edwin Jesús Chacón Muñoz


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