Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

Community participation, political action and urban transformations in a socio-aesthetic perspective
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Community participation
political action
urban transformations
participatory urban design
socio-aesthetic analysis
Participación comunitaria
acción política
transformaciones urbanas
diseño urbano participativo
análisis socioestético

How to Cite

Iazzetta Di Stasio, E. P., & Pérez Jiménez, C. A. (2022). Community participation, political action and urban transformations in a socio-aesthetic perspective. Revistarquis, 11(2), 68–87.


Community participation and political action in urban transformation is the central approach in this discussion, which also arises from practices, images and social knowledge in the encounter between the architecture of the city as a stage and everyday urban life as the symbolic component that reveals identities in the thread of intercultural meanings. The purpose is to support community participatory urban design processes based on the socio-aesthetic analysis of urban life, understood as an epistemological, theoretical and methodological approach for urban transformation from collective dialogue. Among the findings, a series of categories of analysis were obtained, namely: sociocultural historical analysis, analysis of urban life as daily praxis, characterization of the environmental quality of the space given the local territorial conditions, ordering of security and control technologies, and the popular production of public policies of urban space considering public policies. The research carried out in the historic center of Santa Lucía emphasizes the relationship between space-time, everyday life and urban architecture, determinant to think of an intercultural urbanism centered on community dialogues built with, from and for the people, strengthening participation and political action in the creation of urban spaces that respond to the needs and demands of the communities.
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