Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

From annihilated space to enjoyed space. Maps of the Pacific Railway (Argentina, 1899-1930)
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graphic culture
railway maps
cultura gráfica
mapas ferroviarios

How to Cite

Bonelli Zapata, A. (2023). From annihilated space to enjoyed space. Maps of the Pacific Railway (Argentina, 1899-1930). Revistarquis, 12(2), 1–35.


The constant changes caused by the development of the railway in Argentina at the end of the 19th century implied the need to visualize and interpret both an expanding national territory and the process of transformation itself. For this purpose, different strategies possible by the technical conditions of the time were deployed, which had an effect of meaning and impacted on the perception of travel as a novel experience. In this work I try to look at these strategies, starting with the analysis of five wall maps published by the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway Co. between 1899 and 1925 and their relationship with other printed objects of the company. Thinking in Wolfgang Schivelbusch's concept of space in-between, it is possible to observe a trend from the annihilation of the space between the stations (empty, dangerous, or irrelevant) towards the valorization and enjoyment of travel as an experience modern. As I want to demonstrate, this change was influenced by political and economic decisions regarding the territory and the development of graphic culture and advertising discipline in the railway area.
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