This argumentative text is an academic reflection on an interdisciplinary topic that articulates areas of architecture, history, literature and cinema, and domestic interiors. According to a corpus of literary texts from the 20th century and films from the 20th and 21st centuries, the aim is to problematize nature of the house and overcome the traditional paradigm that conceives it as a traditional space of the intimate or private sphere as safe compared to the outside space, more linked to the public sphere and of insecurity. In contemporary domesticity there are a series of spaces that are configured more intimate and others more social. The analysis of the spaces of the corpus attempts to show the evolution of a concept and a practice that dates back to the 17th century when domesticity began. The house, at the time, was far from becoming an undifferentiated or uniform space in itself, since the representation of the domestic configures new dynamics between security and hostility, public and private. In a way, the aim is to build a framework that allows the analysis of social spaces in intimacy, as a theoretical tool for interdisciplinary and analytical work.
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