Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

Gender bias in science: the influence of 18th century naturalistic thinking on current school administration practic
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Administración de la educación
historia de la educación
igualdad de género
Educational administration
history of education
women in the sciences
gender equality


This article reviews how the general thinking developed during the 18th Century Enlightenment served as today´s basis for stigmatizing the participation of women in the sciences and constructing gender stereotypes. The author observes how western educational models date back to 19th century conservative gender relationships. The article strives to state how, in spite of evident steps to promote gender inclusion, current administrative educational systems have failed in overcoming gender stereotypes. From an administrative standpoint, the persistence of the aforementioned paradigms must be considered when developing alternatives. The current educational administrative paradigm must be reviewed and order to incorporate a gender perspective and attain lasting changes in the coeducational system.
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